Kids in the Attic
8 days ago

Project Update: The Parish Ledger is Unlocked – On to the Next Stretch Goal!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve officially unlocked The Parish Ledger! This stretch goal brings you a richly detailed compendium of all the NPCs in Sleepy Hollow, from humble villagers to shadowy figures like highwaymen, river pirates, and grave robbers. The Parish Ledger will not only flesh out the people of the village but also introduce new dangers lurking just outside the town’s borders, bringing even more depth and intrigue to your campaigns.
But we’re not done yet!

We’re now pushing toward our next stretch goal: "Dark was the Night, Cold was the Ground" – A Wilderness Hexcrawl. This wilderness-focused expansion will take your players beyond the village and into the eerie forests, filled with dark secrets, strange encounters, and mysterious locations. It’s a perfect addition for those looking to explore the untamed wilderness that surrounds Sleepy Hollow.

We’re so close to unlocking even more content, and with your continued support, we can make it happen. Help spread the word and share the campaign with fellow gamers, and together we’ll continue to bring Sleepy Hollow to life!

Thank you again for all your incredible support. Let’s keep the momentum going!




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