Kids in the Attic
10 days ago

Project Update: We’re So Close to Unlocking Our Next Stretch Goal!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re on the verge of unlocking our next stretch goal—"A Little Darkness: Scenario Book of 4 New Adventures." This book introduces chilling new tales for your Sleepy Hollow campaign, bringing fresh horrors and dark mysteries to the table. Here’s a sneak peek at the four adventures:

  • The Killing Moon: The Deardorff family, led by the malevolent Marilyn Deardorff, practices ancient rites to ensure their crops flourish after a harsh winter led them down a dark path of cannibalism. Now, they make grisly sacrifices to prevent hunger and hardship from ever returning.
  • Waking the Witch: Abram Brubacher, a farmer in Sleepy Hollow, comes into possession of "The Witch’s Head," a mummified bust of a woman with dark allure. Enchanted by its eerie beauty, Abram is soon spellbound, as the head's sinister influence spreads.
  • The Haunting of Thornwood Manor: A grand estate at the edge of Sleepy Hollow, Thornwood Manor has become the source of ghostly rumors—strange lights, noises, and apparitions plague the abandoned house. Few dare approach, but those who do find themselves face to face with a chilling presence.
  • The Changeling's Lullaby: Christopher and Eleanor Finch, returning from the city with their newborn child, find their joy turns to terror. Villagers convince Eleanor that her baby has been swapped by the wee folk and replaced with a changeling, plunging the family into a nightmare.

We are so close to unlocking this new scenario book, and we need your help to push it over the edge! Share the campaign with your friends and on social media, and let’s unlock more content together!

Once we hit this goal, we’ll be announcing 5 brand new stretch goals—all original content to further expand your Sleepy Hollow adventures. Let’s make this project the best it can be!

Thanks for your continued support!




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