Thanks deeply for your patience. I know a few of you are frustrated with the slow rate of updates, and that's entirely my fault. There's a funny way these things go — you plan and draft an update in August, but then someone gets sick and you postpone, and then you realize there's another thing you had to do, and then there's a few conventions and small crises and business woes, and next thing you know it's been two months. The lack of updates does not mean a lack of progress, it just reflects the challenge of coordinating a rapidly-growing business amid difficult times.
Anyway, I was hoping this would be the update where I get to give you the PDF. It's not! Unfortunately! But the PDF is 99% done. I'm currently waiting on Backerkit's authorizing the back-end of the project and a couple small tweaks to release it, which means you should have it in your inbox by the end of the week (unless another hiccup gets in the way...) At that same time, the Backerkit survey will get sent out, and you'll have the chance to fill out your address for the physical book. Once you complete the survey, you'll have access to the PDF.
I've included some images of the PDF — I hope they attach properly! The game is really gorgeous — Grub has really leveled up after working on Yazeba's B&B (as if that was even possible) and I can't wait for you to check it out. Despite the hiccups and challenges, I'm proud of how this has turned out and I can't wait for you to get your hands on it.
Right now the only thing missing from the PDF currently is a dedication page, because that information needs to be collected by the Backerkit survey. The print book and future iterations of the PDF will have the dedications page for you fantastic patient backers.