Project Update: Book is Done + Nice to Meet You!
This is Maya, your new Community Manager! I’ve just started working with Possum Creek Games, and I just wanted to say hello, I hope you’re all doing well, and you’re in good hands ^_^ Okey dokey artechokey let’s do this update!
Project Update: Now Shipping!
thanks so much for all your patience and support, really hope you enjoy this one as much as we do, and happy spring :)
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
It's a little disheartening to try to find the Possum Creek Discord in order to get some sort of information for this project in particular. The most recent "update" was on 2/14 where Jay stated the following, "the order has been placed , should be within 1-2 months? i gotta post an update on the backerkit" in regards to Physical copies. I hope this helps alleviate even a little bit of stress for others.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Is there any updates towards the Physical Copy? I'm a big fan of Possum Creek games and the severe lack of communication is disheartening. I hope you all are well, and in all honestly I wouldn't mind the wait if we were just kept in the loop to some regard. Anyways, I look forward to your next update.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Another 3 months with no information regarding the status of the project? Why is it so difficult to write 2 sentences regarding current progress or your anticipated timeline (even if it’s merely wishful thinking)? I was very excited for this project and your future work, but I do not find the lack of communication acceptable and unfortunately I feel unlikely to support future crowdfunding endeavors from the creator.