Jason Furie
over 2 years ago

Project Update: ✨ Sneak Peek: The Pizza Pinz (And they are on the way!)

Hey friends! Hope you're all having a great week so far. I just came back form Essen Germany where I was attending Essen Spiel—the largest tabletop games convention in the world. For those of you that don't know, I also design tabletop games. Here's just a few if you're interested: Rental Rumble (Available Now), Realm Runners (Coming Soon), and Shape Shape (Coming Soon).

Enough about games, let's talk about pizza! Great news: all designs are finalized, they are officially well into production, AND they will be arriving at my doorstep in about a week and a half. Woo-hoo. We are right on schedule and it looks like I'll be getting these slices out the door in early to mid November as projected. It's rare these things are ever on time, but things have been going super smooth.

There was only one design error that has already been corrected. The Pixel Pie slice was missing some crusty bits. Here's a look at the finished slices and the corrected Pixel Pie slice.

They are going to be slightly larger than pins I've designed in the past. To ensure they don't slide around on your jacket or backpack I've made all the 1.5" designs double clasped for extra support.

Everyone has been charged and all your info is locked in. I still have around 20 people who need to fill out their survey. If you get it completed before I start shipping you may make the cut. Otherwise you will have to wait until after all the completed orders are fulfilled.

What do you think of the pin designs!? Let me know in the comments!

Jason 🍕




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