Jason Furie
over 2 years ago

Project Update: πŸ’Œ All Backer Surveys Are Sent!

Great newsβ€”by this time EVERYONE should have received their BackerKit backer survey via email. I can tell all is going smooth as 72% of you have already completed your surveys! Great job!

If you haven't seen it yet, please check SPAM folders and ensure you are looking in the inbox of the email you made your BackerKit account with tied to your pledge! Please fill this out ASAP so we can get these pizzas in the oven!

In your backer survey, you'll be able to do the following:

  1. Choose the style of pin(s) you want based on the pledge level you chose during the campaign (Example: If your pledge level was "TWO [2] pins of your choice" you will first select the TWO [2] pins you want.)
  2. Select additional pins you want to add to your order (optional). As a special thank-you to backers, you can select additional pins to add to your order for a discounted rate of $10 each. No limit!
  3. Confirm your shipping address. You can always update your information any time before we finalize your address. You will get a reminder to confirm your address before we ship!
  4. Add your payment info for shipping and add-ons. You WILL NOT be charged immediately. You will have a few weeks to adjust your orders. I have tentatively planned to charge cards around September 22nd. I'll post an update with a heads up.
  5. Review and place your order. Remember, you can still edit your address and order until I lock it down. I will send an update before I do either with a few days heads up.

Remember, your credit card are NOT being charged just yet, I'll do that soon. Here's the tentative plan:

  • NOW - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th β€” Fill out your BackerKit Survey (You can edit if needed during this time)
  • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th β€” Orders are locked (You can no longer edit your orders)
  • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd β€” Planning to charge all cards
  • PRODUCTION β€” Once orders are in and cards are all charged, I will commence production on the pins!
  • SHIPPING β€” If all goes as planned, hoping to get Pizza Pinz out the door in November 2022 pending manufacturing production schedule. 

As always, I'll keep on updating everyone as we move along! And soon I'll be able to reveal the winner of our Pineapple on Pizza vote AND I plan to share a breakdown of what pins were ordered the most! It's been really fun watching these orders roll in and see what slices y'all are picking.

A few designs are REALLY POPULAR! Can you guess which two are gettin ordered the most so far?

CLICK INTO to the update if you're reading this via email and let me know in the comments!

Jason πŸ•





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