Latest from the Creator
Fritz Paull
about 1 month ago
Designer Update 1: Fully Funded! Stretch Goals Reached! Prestige at Gen Con! and Late Pledges!
Hey backers! Fritz, the designer, here. I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for helping to bring Prestige to life! I know Jack already let every...
Jack Dunbar
about 1 month ago
Congratulations City Builders! We did it! More details coming soon. There's still several minutes to back if you think there's others out there ready to jump in! The pledge ma...
Jack Dunbar
about 1 month ago
In the Home Stretch!
Friends! Prestige needs 20 more backers to fund and we have just over 20 hours to go! We can do it with a few shares here and there. If we fund all of the hidden goals will be ...
Jack Dunbar
about 2 months ago
Add-Ons &Stretch Goals
Hey everyone! Another quick update - thank you for the support! We have added a bunch of backers today with the price change, and as a result it came to my attention I didn'...
Jack Dunbar
about 2 months ago
Big Changes on the Campaign!
Hello Backers! Thank you for supporting Prestige on Backerkit. I've made some big changes to the campaign you can read about here. Here's a summary:  • I missed the mark on pr...
Fritz Paull
about 2 months ago
Which of the 6 Tribes do you most resonate with?
In Prestige there are 6 tribes (factions) that are coming together to build a great city where all of their people can prosper. Each player represents at least one of these tribes during a game! Which do you resonate with? Fishing Tribe Lovers of the water front and the many...
Fritz Paull
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Designer Update 1: Fully Funded! Stretch Goals Reached! Prestige at Gen Con! and Late Pledges!

Hey backers!

Fritz, the designer, here.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for helping to bring Prestige to life! I know Jack already let everyone know, but if you missed it, we fully funded the campaign! Not only that, but we smashed through the last stretch goal in the final hours too!

Fully Funded! Thanks Backers!!

Stretch Goals Met:
  • 3 new community voted event cards to be added to the game (voting to come soon).
  • 40 hidden goal cards to be added in the form of a mini-expansion, which will introduce additional replay value and strategy to the base game. 

It wouldn't have been possible without all of your support!

As many of you know, this has been a passion project of mine for over 4 years now, and it feels incredible to be able to have it turned into a real product! I look forward to hearing what you all have to say about it!

Jack will follow up on timeline and how this all will work shortly,
but in the meantime, I wanted to quickly share about what we I have been up to since the campaign ended last week!

Gen Con 2024!

Jack and I went to Gen Con, one of the biggest board game conventions in the world, drawing in over 70,000 people! We were representing both New Kingdom Gaming and Kingdoms of the Earth. We brought along several prototype copies of Prestige too, and introduced the game to so many new people!

Jack and Fritz meet in person for the first time on their way to Gen Con!

We spent most of our time: 
  • Demoing Prestige at the Dragon Egg Games booth (special shout out to the team there for sharing their booth with us!)
  • Showing off Prestige through Learn to Play events
  • Playing some pickup games during off hours in the open play areas

Check out some photos of our festivities below

If you happened to be one of the folks who stopped by, said hello, played a few rounds, or even preordered with us at Gen Con, I just want you to know we really appreciated it and it was great to spend the best 4 days in gaming with you!

Some other highlights of the event included meeting folks for the first time who've been involved with Prestige, such as:

PJ, one of our talented guest writers!

Koltin from Kinson Key Games and one of our Rulebook Editors

Lance from Love2Hate Games who has been creating video content for us (speaking of which, the first video is out! Watch it here at the following link: --- more to come shortly!)

The talented minds behind Backerkit!

Next Steps:

Jack and I had a blast at Gen Con, but things keep moving! Gen Con was a good final run to catch any lagging spelling errors, misprints, and misplaced icons, so our very next task will be to do a final update to our files before we send Prestige off to the printer!

In the meantime, we will also have the community voting for new event cards as mentioned above. We are still figuring out the logistics on that to ensure we have a fair and equitable path forward, but expect to hear more on that soon!

In the meantime, we would love it if you keep sharing Prestige with your friends and family! Though the campaign may be over, folks that missed it can still back us through preorders/late pledges!

So if you know anyone else that you think would love a copy of Prestige too, please send them the following link for easy access:

And finally, as always, feel free to reach out to Jack or I if you have any questions!

Let's go build something great together!

---Fritz Paull




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Jack Dunbar
about 1 month ago

Project Update: FUNDED!

Congratulations City Builders!

We did it! More details coming soon. There's still several minutes to back if you think there's others out there ready to jump in! The pledge manager will open soon, and you'll hear more, but for now...


Until next time,

Happy Gaming!!!

Jack, Lindsey, Ruby, player 4...and FRITZ! Woohoo! 





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Jack Dunbar
about 1 month ago

Project Update: In the Home Stretch!


Prestige needs 20 more backers to fund and we have just over 20 hours to go! We can do it with a few shares here and there. If we fund all of the hidden goals will be released as well! Get the word out. Time is short!

Thank you so much for supporting Prestige!!

Jack, Lindsey, Ruby, and player 4  




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So glad we got there!

user avatar image for Jack Dunbar




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Hi there - trying out Prestige on TTS and a little confused about the top part of Page 11. If I had to guess the paragraphs at the bottom middle and right, i.e. "If your turn starts with a resource on a spot with an Event..." and "If your turn starts with a resource on a spot with this symbol..." need to be switched. Is that wrong? If not what resource does the flag/ribbon represent? Thank you!

user avatar image for Jack Dunbar




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