Project Update: Ingenue! Surveys Closing! New Goodies in the Shop, at a DISCOUNT! Please read!
Hey gang! Spike here on this beautiful Memorial Day, with a quick-but-very-important update!
We have a Backers/Patrons-only coupon code waiting for you below the cut, but first and foremost: This is a final, FINAL call for BackerKit Surveys!
The Backerkit surveys for Lackadaisy, which you can complete here if you haven't already, close on June 3rd. That's Monday of next week. If we have not received your survey, we will not be able to ship your tangible rewards to you, so please get your survey in if you're wanting the books, keychains, plushes, card games, and enamel pin sets associated with your pledge!
(If you've already submitted your survey, you're all set. You don't need to do anything further!)
Also—and this is important—despite surveys closing on June 3rd, we WILL continue accepting address changes between now and when the remaining rewards currently in production ship out. If you move, graduate, or otherwise change address, and cannot change your address in the Backerkit interface, email [email protected], and we'll get you sorted!
And now, some fulfillment news.
Our friends at White Squirrel expect to begin shipping books to backers starting next week. They have a maximum capacity that they can handle receiving to their warehouse and then shipping back out again at one time, so shipping will be happening continuously, in batches, over the coming weeks. We are looking into options to help speed things along, though, as we are very eager to get those books into your hands! We'll keep you all posted!
But hey... I get you're here for cartoons.
In case you haven't seen it yet, "Lackadaisy Ingenue" - the first of the promised Mini Episodes - is now up on YouTube! The cast and crew have put a lot of love into it, and we sincerely hope you'll enjoy it! (And yes, production for full episodes is already underway!)
To celebrate the debut, there are some new items on pre-order in the Lackadaisy Shop, including some keychain charms, layered standees, and the long-awaited Zib plush! Take a look!
Now, we know, Viktor was supposed to come before Zib based on your votes, but as we've mentioned, he's been characteristically stubborn and difficult to prototype. We're close, but we wanted to spend a little more time getting his design just right before moving forward with him. Zib was more easy-going, so he skipped ahead in line. Typical!
If any of these new goodies have caught your eye? Check below the cut for a backers/patrons-only, 10% OFF coupon code!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content