Horse Shark Games
11 months ago

Project Update: What's up with this?

What's up with Horse Shark?

Hey, it is May and I have dropped nary a word about River of Lies. What's up with that?

Fear not! I have been actively working on River of Lies between all the other plates I have spinning.
  • Back in early April I finished the rough draft and gave it to Jeff Scifert for editing. Jeff is finished.
  • I got a little bonus editing from Stefan Surratt as he has volunteered to give it a Judge's play test with a group of his own. Thank you, Stefan!
  • I've had Del Teigeler in mind for cartography since December and I finally managed to finish my rough maps sometime in the 1st week of April. He's got a commission ahead of this one, but River of Lies is up next. I figure I'll have sometime before summer begins.
  • About mid April I started layout for the interior. Spots for art were identified.
  • Talks continue with a fulfillment partner that can handle all the projects together at the same time. Joseph Goodman is leading that charge.
  • I started reaching out to my regular artists to see if they want to grab some spots. Many of the those commissions are underway. I thrilled to have a lot of regulars returning. More as those pieces hit my inbox.
  • I've finalized page count and paid for printing.

So things are going pretty well. I suspect the biggest rock is getting our fulfillment partner settled and see what the shipping/handling pricing is going to look like.

Netcrawl RPG: Adventuring in the WorldNet

You may remember that Netcrawl is another project I am working on. I'm happy to announce that it will also be on Backerkit and starts September 3rd. Go and follow the project now. 

Thanks for supporting the projects. Talk to you soon!






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