Horse Shark Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: There it is!

Well the thought of the Donn Stroud Drop-In Encounter stalled at 99% must have been killing Toby V.  Toby pledged during the 1st couple days. Logged in, added an adventure to his pledge (The House of the Red Doors is a great choice, Toby), and threw in an extra buck.

You know, I never like to call a stretch goal until we're a good 3-4 backers over the goal, but in this case I'm making an exception for an exceptional gesture.

Thanks, Toby. We couldn't have done it tonight without you.

And thanks to the seven other new backers to answered the call today. And really thank you everybody! Past, Present, and Future. There are just so many new faces making cool new things and I'm honored that you've opted to support this adventure.

It's been about a year since I've had a crowdfund campaign and am I thrilled we've created Horse Shark Games' best crowdfunding campaign, ever! I'm also relived, because print costs have more than doubled since I last ordered a print run. 

Anyway, high fives all around and rest easy. Donn Stroud is officially a member of the Purple Planet Horde! Bree Yark! Kith say, "Bree Yark", don't they?
Once we top the amount raised for The House of the Red Doors, Donn Stroud will create a Purple Planet Drop-In Encounter (a 2nd one!) to be included with this project.
Goal: $6,560 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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