So today my old housemate texted me saying I'd gotten a package at her house, and I was just like ?????? So went to go pick it up, and it ended up being from BBU, BUT it only had two sticker sheets and a Billie pin? On the description of contents it says there's supposed to be 12 items (9 pins, 2 sticker sheets, and 1 keychain). Which whatever keychain that was supposed to be wasn't in there at all. The pins were supposed to be the ones from the original Kickstarter campaign I think, but that was supposed to include a sticker sheet as well, and I'm unsure if the two stickers sheets from the Orchestra campaign was the same as that? (it's been confusing keeping up with updates from two diff campaigns on two diff platforms about the same project lol). I also didn't get any of the keychains I'd ordered from the Orchestra campaign here. It was also sent to my old address, which would have been on the KS campaign (I'd messaged about updating it but never got a response). I guess I'm just super baffled overall 🤣 I'm not mad, just wanna hopefully resolve things ;v;





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