Billie Bust Up: Orchestra Edition

Billie Bust Up: Orchestra Edition

Billie Bust Up is an interactive 3D platforming musical. Taking inspiration from animated classics, characters sing and perform to the beat.
£169,642 🎉
of £36,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Billie Bust Up is an interactive 3D platforming musical. Taking inspiration from animated classics, characters sing and perform to the beat. Each song engages the player in a unique way, from catchy boss fights and villain songs, to chase sequences to rhythm heaven inspired segments. 

We did a Kickstarter back in November 2020 which was fully funded in 17 hours. We were then picked up by publisher Humble Games to help fund the rest of development and to ensure a high quality game!

We are hoping to raise enough funds to record 20 minutes of live Big Band on 5 songs for the Billie Bust Up Game to replace the current MIDI instruments, and dramatically improve the impact of these final songs.

Stretch goals will allow us to fund a proper orchestra for all 14 songs in Billie Bust Up! Featuring one of the top film orchestras in the world in Nashville, Tennessee, USA at the famous Ocean Way Studios where Daniel Ingram, our songwriter, recorded all of the songs for My Little Pony: The Movie

                                     Watch our newly released cutscene animation and song here!

We have a ton of digital and physical rewards! Including prints, acrylic keychains, sheet music of all the songs, a portrait of your character in game, or access to a digital artbook and instruction guide and much much more!

You can pick a tier and use the add-on feature to pick and choose the merchandise you'd like to order.


Voice Requests - £30

A personalised message from one of the characters! Pick the character you want under add-ons and let us know what you'd like the character to say!

Pick from the following characters
  • Billie
  • Barnaby
  • Dutch
  • Scrimshaw
  • Dimitri
  • Fantoccio 
  • Aristotle
  • Elaine
  • Basile
  • Percy

Keychains - £10 per keychain, £25 for 3, £45 for all

Acrylic keychains with tiny charms on the side! Exclusive to this campaign. Sizes of the charms may vary! Pick a character or get all 3 for £25

Sheet Music Digital Download - £15 

Digital downloads to all the songs sheet music (important to note this is for the lyrical songs, not the environmental soundtrack)

This will be delivered after the game is released to avoid spoilers being leaked!

PDF Digital Artbook - £15 

We have years of stored up concept art over the last 6-7 years of development. Everything has been documented and will be written up with developer commentary in a downloadable artbook! This will be produced and released after the launch of the game.   

Billie's Power-up Sticker Sheets - £15

Available in both physical and digital. A glossy sticker sheet with all of Billie's power ups, just like how they're presented in game! Hand drawn by Billie herself

Digital Instruction Manual - £3 

Nostalgic for instruction manuals? This add-on will give you access to a wonderful downloadable pdf instruction manual. Complete with custom art and instructions on how to play.

Prints - £30 (Physical) 

We have lots of different prints to choose from. We are also offering signed prints by Daniel Ingram. Physical prints will receive the digital version for free!  Buy all of them in a bundle of 5 for £100.

Storyboards and Script Digital Downloads - £5

Digital download and access to ALL the storyboards and scripts to our game. See what changed during development.

This will be delivered after the game is released to avoid spoilers!

Here Lies...YOU! - £100

Have your name and a personalised message left on a tombstone in Barnaby's large graveyard! 

Barnaby's Portrait! -  £1500

Join the hall of victims in this limited time spot. Have your character drawn by our lead artist to be featured with Barnaby in game. It will hang in a special room, Barnaby's hall of victims! This slot is extremely limited to avoid putting too much stress on our artist! There are only 23 slots

Character on the left is Wally (Welcome Home), Character on the right is Kira (Far-Fetched Show) 

Pledge Levels! 

Scrimshaws Tip Jar- £1

Don't want any perks but want to support the project? Tip us! We promise Scrimshaw won't pocket it all!

Keychain Bundle -£25

All 3 keychains are yours!

Digital Print Bundle - £15

Get all prints as a digital HD download
This includes

  • Barnaby Print
  • Orchestra Print
  • Scrimshaw Print
  • Aristotle Print
  • Dutch Print 

Along with the HD art for

  • Fantoccio Keychain
  • Barnaby Keychain
  • Fantoccio Keychain
  • Billie and Aristotle Keychain

Digital Bundle Deluxe - £50

  • Early access to Barnaby's Chase Sequence
  • Credited in the game as an Orchestra Supporter
  • Digital artbook
  • Digital instruction manual  
  • Sheet music for all the songs (lyrical songs)
  • Digital access to the storyboards and script
  • Early access and HD digital download of the mini documentary (IF UNLOCKED BY STRETCH GOALS)

Digital downloads for 

Get all prints as a digital HD download
This includes

  • Barnaby Print
  • Orchestra Print
  • Scrimshaw Print
  • Aristotle Print
  • Dutch Print 

Along with the HD art for

  • Fantoccio Keychain
  • Barnaby Keychain
  • Fantoccio Keychain
  • Billie and Aristotle Keychain

Physical Print Bundle - £100

All the prints (unsigned) 

  • Aristotle Print
  • Scrimshaw Print 
  • Dutch Print
  • Billie's Orchestra Print 
  • Fantoccio Print

Also includes Digital Print Bundle

This includes

  • Barnaby Print
  • Orchestra Print
  • Scrimshaw Print
  • Aristotle Print
  • Dutch Print 

Along with the HD art for

  • Fantoccio Keychain
  • Barnaby Keychain
  • Fantoccio Keychain
  • Billie and Aristotle Keychain

Join us IN PERSON for the Orchestra! - £7750

You will be expected to make your own arrangements for travel and accommodation. Make sure you are freely available between June and July as we will not be able to move dates of our recording. 

You will need to sign an NDA as this will be featuring songs that have not yet been released and will contain important in game spoilers.  

Travel may change depending on stretch goals. 
Location 1: Vancouver 
Location 2: Ocean Way Studios Nashville (Stretch goal of 150k USD)
Location 3: Abbey Road London (Stretch goal of 200k USD) 


                                                                You've made the right choice!

                                                                             STRETCH GOALS

£38,000 - We will hire a film crew to be present at the session to make a mini documentary of the recording process, AND fly out select cast members to film them singing the in-game songs LIVE with the band in studio! Reaching this stretch goal will also unlock an HD download and early access to the documentary that will be automatically added to certain tiers.  

£40,000 - £116,000 - We will increase the number of cast members recorded live, expand on the scope of the “Behind the Scenes” song writing documentary, and record a selection of LIVE ORCHESTRA additions in Vancouver, BC, to augment various in-game songs by replacing MIDI instruments with as many live players as the budget allows.

£116,000  We will replace the current MIDI orchestra with LIVE ORCHESTRA on ALL 14 songs from the video game! Featuring one of the top film orchestras in the world in Nashville, Tennessee, USA at the famous Ocean Way Studios where Daniel Ingram, our songwriter, recorded all of the songs for My Little Pony: The Movie, we will spend two days with 65-70 musicians recording live over an hour of in-game songs!
£150,000 Remix mania! We will hire musicians in our community to make remix versions of the songs for a special album release once the game releases. We will also do a back end split with the artists that we pick to Collab with us  

£200,000 We will record at Abbey Road with the BBC film orchestra in London! 


A huge portion of the money will be going towards hiring musicians. The more money we make, the more we can afford to replace MIDI instruments with the real thing!

Money will also go into preparing the music into sheet music for each musician and mixing and mastering all the stems for gameplay. At it's core our game is all about the music, so it will be important to make sure its prepared correctly for a seamless gameplay experience.


This will not affect the game's production or launch date, as it will be all handled by Daniel and his team. Funding this now will allow us to get all our ducks in order so that we can complete the full orchestration in time for release! All songs for the game are already completed and ready to move onto the final stages. Some time will be needed to prepare the sheet music for the orchestra. 

Recording will be taking place in June-July 2024


All shipping fees will be calculated once the campaign is over! Please look at the below estimated shipping costs.

We have prepared all the art needed for physical merchandise. We still need to allow time to produce and ship the merch. We plan to ship all physical merchandise during September 2024

Estimated Shipping Costs:
  • USA £10
  • UK £5
  • EUROPE £5
  • CANADA £10

Rewards containing spoilers will not be delivered until after the game is released. We can not give a release date at this time.

This includes:
  • The mini documentary 
  • The storyboard and script digital downloads 
  • Digital artbook


You’re probably wondering, why are we doing this? You guys have done a campaign already! Have we run out of money? The answer is no, production is going smoothly thanks to your support and our publisher!


We want to go a step further with the music. Daniel, our composer, has produced fourteen fantastic songs for this game, each better than the last, we’re super proud of him *and the songs*

Daniel has previously brought up giving the songs an extra breath of life by using a real life orchestra to provide the instrumental over the MIDI that is currently used. Live instruments would work especially well for wind and string instruments, giving it the full feature cinema experience to Billie Bust Up. 
We do actually have some money in the budget that could be potentially used for this, but it is contingency money intended to make sure we don’t fall behind in our project plan, something we don’t really want to spend unless absolutely necessary, a rainy day fund. Daniel needs time to prepare the sheet music, hire the orchestra, and prepare everything if we’re going to do this, hence why we’re doing it now.

It is important that this is a WANT not a NEED, the game will come out regardless of us reaching this funding goal, but we'd really really like to make this happen! 

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