Georgina Stancer
about 16 hours ago

Project Update: We're down to the final 6 days!

There's only 6 days left! How has it been 2 weeks already?

It's been an extremely busy yet amazing 2 weeks. Starting back at college a couple of days after launching certainly threw a couple of spanners in the works, but I wouldn't change a thing. I've had so much fun running this campaign and I love interacting with you all in the community, especially through the polls.

Speaking of which, I have a new poll for you. I've shortlisted some names for Elspeth's cat, but I can't decide on just one, so as promised, I've put them in a poll for you to help choose. I'll leave this new poll open until Monday, so you have plenty of time to vote over the weekend.

Much love
Georgina x

P.s. Don't forget to back both mine and Cara North's project, Fangs & Furs Forever, to get your hands on these two exclusive enamel pin badges.

Once we reach £2,500, the bookmarks will be upgraded from paper to metal. These bookmarks will come with charms and beads that tie in with the book.
Goal: £1,547 / £2,500
We need £953 more to reach this goal.




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