Georgina Stancer
3 months ago

Project Update: Ruthless Wolves Update #17

Hey gorgeous,

I had planned on posting this update on Sunday after Mr K and I returned from Shrewsbury, but I was exhausted and in pain from traveling, so I took the night off. The trip was well worth the pain, though. I had an amazing time in Shrewsbury Prison for the Author's Behind Bars signing event! I got to meet and chat with so many wonderful readers as well as spend time with my fellow authors. And the prison setting was just epic! Unfortunately, I didn't get my own cell because there was a problem with the lights (I'm convinced a ghost was behind the problems), but I had a great time sharing the prisoner kitchen with Jade West's PA's (unfortunately Jade couldn't be there) and author Tracy Jukes.

Right, that's enough signing event talk. Now it's time for the update. The poll has ended for the colour of the skull and there was a clear winner. The black skull received 100% of the votes 🥳 I must admit, I do love this design exactly as it is 😍
Midnight Blade MC Enamel Pin

I've already placed the order and production has begun on the Midnight Blade MC pin, but the good news doesn't end there. My collab partner, Cara, has received both parts of the collab pin badges and she's sent me some pictures! Cara will be sending my pins over to me soon 😊

I have received some more goodies! The Booktopia Oracle Cards arrived while I was in Shrewsbury and they are lush 😍 I can't wait to see the complete pack together with the box!

Booktopia Oracle Cards

One more thing before I go. Now that I'm back from Author's Behind Bars, I can finally make a start on Ruthless Wolves. I only have the last couple of chapters to hash out, but I'm sure they will come to me as I begin to write (the story will probably change slightly by then as well 😅). The first draft begins tomorrow 😊

Much love and happy reading
Georgina x




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