Georgina Stancer
4 days ago

Project Update: We're almost to the first stretch goal!

Thank you to everyone who has backed and/or shared the Ruthless Wolves campaign so far and to everyone who plans to back and/or share in the days to come. We are now less than £40 away from reaching the first stretch goal! Since we're so close, I thought I'd share the full colour versions of what we're aiming to unlock.

Meet Elspeth and Ajax, our two main characters. Elspeth loves wearing pretty skirts and dresses, but she's not afraid to get her hands dirty. She's a lone wolf living and working amongst humans and has a pet cat (as voted on). Ajax is part of the Midnight Blade MC wolf pack. His job is to keep the pack safe while working as a mechanic in the pack-owned motorbike garage.

Once unlocked, these pictures will be printed on vellum paper and inserted into each paperback and hardback edition. They will also be included in the digital art pack and will be available as an add-on for A4 art prints and postcards (or included for free in the Book Box tiers).

Now that we've voted on Elspeth having a pet cat, it's time to decide what breed, so I've put together another poll. If you don't see a breed of cat listed that you'd like to vote on, let me know in the comments and I'll add it to the list. The poll for the cat breed will close on Wednesday, so don't hang around, get your voting on 😊

Much love
Georgina x
10 votes • Final results
Reach £1,500 to unlock the individual character art.
Goal: £1,500 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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