Georgina Stancer
13 days ago

Project Update: There's a new poll to vote on :)

Wow, what a first day! We didn't manage to hit the funding goal within the first 24 hours, but boy were we close. Last time I looked, we were £6 away!

I was going to wait until we reached the funding goal before revealing the first stretch goal, but I'm just too excited and needed to share, so here's a little sneak peek. Meet Elspeth, our main female character 😊

Elspeth looks all sweet and innocent on the outside, but trust me, she has a wild side and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. I can't decide if she should have a pet cat or not, so here's your chance to help shape the story by voting on the poll. But be quick, the poll closes in 3 days.

Much love
Georgina x
Once we hit 100 shares, all physical tiers will get a FREE sticker.
Goal: 0 / 100
We need 100 more to reach this goal.




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