Gehenna Gaming
5 days ago

Project Update: 3 Days Down and over 700% Funded!

Hello pilots!

We've passed the $70K point after just three days love, and are thrilled at the progress you've all helped us achieve.
  • 11 Stretch Goals Unlocked
  • E//A: Homefront supplement book funded
  • Edge of the Apocalypse mini-wargame funded
  • And we're close to adding two new archetypes to the book!

In today's update, we wanted to share a little more about the game's specifics and maybe tease our plans for some upcoming stretch goals.

Horror Toxicosis & Seraph Radiation

One challenge that pilots can face in combat against Horrors and the Seraph is new, deadly diseases these otherworldly creatures can spread. When facing down Horrors without the protection of an Automata, humans have discovered a lingering impact on their health that doctors have begun calling "Horror Toxicosis."

Horror Toxicosis degrades the body and mind, corrupting our very flesh and the essence of what makes us human. If someone spends too much time around a Horror, it erodes their Wits, eventually leaving them broken. When that occurs, the body tears asunder, birthing a new Horror from within...While doctors have found ways to help patients recover from the disease, it is rare.

While Horrors corrupt over time, Seraph are completely foreign to our world and come with unique, previously unseen challenges. Those who encounter a Seraph in the wild, without the protection of an Automata or other means, have found themselves entranced by it, its very energy tearing at the fabric of their being. Dubbed Seraph Radiation, the effects of this swift and brutal, and the victims are often left a shell of their former selves.

New Stretch Goal - Ride Out The End of the World With The Perfect Soundtrack

That's right; our latest stretch goal is now public as well - An official Eldritch Automata Soundtrack. We've already begun building the basis for this, and hitting $100,000 will help us flesh out a full soundtrack, working with various artists in the EDM, Heavy Metal, JRock, KPop, and other genres to build out an album you'd want playing in your Automata when heading off to fight off the latest Horror infestation.

Again, thank you all for backing the campaign so far, we can't wait to share the game with you, and more about our plans for the future!
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