Amanda Coronado
3 months ago

Project Update: Surveys have been sent!


It's time for an update!  Surveys have been sent, plus there have been some shenanigans happening with Foxfire pins.  Please read below for more details. 

Technical Business

Surveys 🟢🟢🟢 

Surveys were sent on 11/13.  If you did not receive one, please leave us a message below and we will get one to you.  Check your spam folders for hidden surveys!

Foxfire Pins on Surveys

Some of you qualified for TWO pins on the surveys. (Combined pledges of around $150 between both campaign were to receive both pins.) But there was only one question!?  This was a mistake and we have gone through and manually added your extra pin OR made a note if you have not touched your survey.  You can choose a pin (yay! selecting options!) and then we will manually add the second one. 

If you already purchased an extra Foxfire even though you qualified for 2, I manually edited your survey so you  get the 2nd one free.  Please don't panic if you see a change notification from Backerkit! 

Note, some people had failed pledges between campaigns.  Please check your pledge to make sure if went through so you can qualify! 

When do I pay for shipping?  T_T

You can hold off on paying for shipping if you need to.   You can fill out the survey, save your answers and wait to put in your card info.  Please do not wait forever though; this campaign's surveys will remain open until  November 1, 2025.  If you have not paid for shipping by that point, your pledge will be considered as a donation to the campaign. We can't hold things forever unfortunately.  Thank you for understanding.
Preorder Shop

Preorder Shop is up and ready for sales.  You may have noticed in surveys had access to B grade pins!  We will be opening these up on the main shop next week now that Backers have had first dibs.

Production Status

Gingko Goldfish 🟢🟢🟢
River Dragon

Underworld Jackal 🟠 (ETA mid December)

Underworld Jackal is officially shipped!  He is now crossing the ocean via sea shipping.  We estimate he will arrive sometime in early December.

Maned Wolf 🔴🔴🔴 (ETA March)

Maned Wolf is in production!  Thank you for waiting for Maned Wolf!

4 Bonus Mini Pins 🟠

Mini Pins production is nearly complete.  Should be shipping next week.

Diamond Scales Pin  🟢🟢🟢

Butterfly Dragon Pin 🟢🟢🟢

Peacock Jackal Pin 🟠

Peacock Jackal is in production (this pin had to be remade).

Ouroboros Earth and Sky Pin  🟢🟢🟢

Evening Sky Jackal   🟢🟢🟢

Foxfire Bonus Pin  🟢🟢🟢

Bronze Horizon Pin

Bronze Horizon samples are in!  Production has now started.

Locking Orders and Charging Shipping

If your order contains a dragon plush, fish plush and some pins and nothing else, we will lock and charge shipping starting November 15.

If your order contains jackal plush or bronze horizon pin (and no maned wolves), your order will be locked and charged Dec. 1st.  Your order will then ship as soon as Jackal arrives.

If your order contains a maned wolf, then you have a wait ahead of you.  We won't lock or charge shipping until January 2025 at the earliest.  We will make an announcement before doing so.  We are very sorry she will skip the holidays!

On a tight budget and need us to wait to charge shipping?  Just leave a comment here or email us at [email protected] and we can wait to charge you until it's convenient.  The same applies if you are currently in the midst of moving.  

Looking forward to moving some big dragons out of our hair very soon!  

Many Thanks!
Amanda + Cari
user avatar image for Amanda Coronado




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