about 9 hours ago

Project Update: CAMPAIGN: FUNDED




I have to get a little bit sappy here - I have been selling my creations in various forms for 15 years - I started with crochet, and in the last 3 years (though mostly this year alone) have branched out into 9 new categories of items (with even more sub categories within those as well!!). Even with all this growth, I still always feel so nervous every time I try something new, or even at every convention I go to, whether or not I'll do well or if people will like my things. I also have felt SO nervous going into each campaign so far - but
you all so quickly and effectively wiped that nervousness & anxiety away in just an HOUR of showing how much you support my work - so really, thank you for encouraging me to keep doing what I love to do.

I want to throw an extra shoutout to my best friend over at Midnight Springs - without her, I wouldn't have ever joined pintopia, or even BEGAN to think about designing pins (let alone 20+ designs for my first gacha campaign!!) Even though a whopping EIGHTY percent of y'all are backing us both, I want to post a reminder that backing both our campaigns means 2 freebie pins! :) 

Back Midnight Springs Gacha Moth campaign here!!

I'm also super excited to show you all two 3D models I had made by Sunny Nika 3D to showcase what the freebie star pin (available to backers of 3 or more Pintober projects) and the base goal Dead Inside pin will look like (since it's got the recessed metal & translucent epoxy, it's sometimes hard to envision!)

We have now also officially unlocked both Spaghettification and Devourer! These are now both available as add-ons to your pledge, and will be available as choices in your post-campaign survey once that is sent out. 

While I won't have as many pins unlocked/created as a result of this campaign (I had a whopping 23 designs made last time!) we are now guaranteed to have 11 individual pin designs available (7 of which will be the fun candy stars in various colors). 

Looking forward to updating y'all on the state of the campaign once the first 48 hours have passed and the early bird tiers are no longer available!

Some things to look forward to seeing -

  • Physical examples of the stickers once they've made it to my house (several designs have already shipped!)

  • A look at the black hole pin board once I've designed & 3D rendered it (and hopefully had a sample printed!)

  • 3 Additional pin designs to vote on if we reach ALL current stretch goals (funding must reach $2100)

  • A few new add-ons once I'm able to get some good photographs of them!

To end this lil update, here are some fun facts about this campaign in comparison to last one:

We have now reached MORE backers than my entire previous campaign was able to gather in its entirety - 54 was the end number for Peets 'n' Beans, and as of my current draft of this update, we are situated firmly at 59
You all have funded over 3x more than I did in all of day 1 of my last campaign (and it's only 6 hours in!)
Average pledge size so far is on par with Peets 'n' Beans
We currently have 52 cross collab backers - that is 19 more than the entirety of Peets 'n' Beans!

Thanks again - I will hopefully have a new update for y'all Thursday :) 




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