MORE DIGITAL DOWNLOADS Sorry for the delay. I had a heck of a time figuring out why some of you didn't get the digital download email, but I think I have it sorted out without spamming everyone with a second download link (for those who got the first one.)
Everyone should have gotten an email (either this time or last time, but not both) to download the Evil Never Dies standard PDF.
Additionally, if you backed a pledge level that include the Deluxe Hardback edition (or added it as an add-on) you should have gotten an email for that as well. Not everyone gets that email.
I'll be uploading the printable map images as well tonight. So expect an email for those.
PRINTING UPDATE We went with a different printer for this project, and encountered some layout issues during the proof process (seems like every printer we deal with wants things a different way). We got all those issue sorted out and approved the digital proof. We did a small test run to make sure the physical books look as good as the digital proof, and I expect to see those late this week or early next. Once those are approved I'll hit the button for the full blown order. Same for the Hardback editions. The poster maps are already here and look great.
HEROIC ADVENTURE! #2 - VAULT OF THE MURDERWORM Early work has begun on the next module in the Heroic Adventure! series: Vault of the Murderworm.
Vault of the Murderworm - Cover by Billy Blue
Bob Brinkman is returning as designer and Brett Hess will be handling cartography again. Carlos Castilho will be handling interior art for this book and Raven is returning for layout. Cover art by Billy Blue and alternate cover art by Waclaw Traier.
Vault of the Murderworm - Alternate Cover by Waclaw Traier
(I just noticed "Murderworm" should be 1 word not 2 in the title, but this is just an early mockup, so I'm going to let it slide for now.)
Once the signup page is live (soon) I'll let everyone know.