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Heroic Adventure! #1 - Evil Never Dies for DCC RPG

Heroic Adventure! #1 - Evil Never Dies for DCC RPG

Shadowfalls has long been under the sway of the vile chronolich Hazlewud. Now, your party has set out to end the undead wizard's reign of terror for all time, across all time. A DCC RPG adventure for 4-6 PCs of level 3-4. Designed by Bob Brinkman.
$2,872 🎉
of $1,900 (USD) goal
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Evil Never Dies - A DCC RPG Adventure for 4-5 PCs of Level 3-4

For centuries, the town of Shadowfalls has languished under the oppressive rule of Hazlewud, a malevolent lich whose dark influence permeates every aspect of life. This undead wizard's dominion extends not just over the present, but across the very fabric of time itself.
The Town of Emerson aka Shadowfalls

Hazlewud is no ordinary lich, but a chrono-lich—a being of unparalleled necromantic power bound to Chronos, the god of time. In life, Hazlewud was Magistrate Elaro Milner, the cunning head of the Emerson village merchant guild. His vast wealth and political influence allowed him to indulge in unspeakable depravities while maintaining a facade of respectability. Consumed by an insatiable hunger for power and the fear of his own mortality, Elaro delved into forbidden magics. Through a series of grotesque rituals that corrupted the natural flow of time in the area, he transformed himself into an abomination that exists simultaneously in past, present, and future.
Grotesque Rituals and Forbidden Magics...

The rise of the chrono-lich tore a rent in time, causing a “waterfall” of shadowy anti-phlogiston near the guildhouse. The presence of these powerful energies manifests in horrifying ways. Hazlewud can summon younger versions of long-dead victims or withered husks of those yet to die. The town's clocktower, once a symbol of prosperity, now tolls at irregular intervals, each chime aging or rejuvenating random citizens. To the citizens, the village remains Emerson, but to outsiders it has become known in whispers as “Shadowfalls”.

Now, your party has set out to end the undead wizard's reign of terror for all time, across all time.

We're keeping it nice and simple with only a few pledge levels (plus some add-ons).

The relevant Pledge Levels for most people are the DIGITAL and PHYSICAL+DIGITAL.

The Digital level includes the Evil Never Dies adventure module in PDF, separate images of each map for personal use, printable pre-gen characters for use with Evil Never Dies and other DCC  compatible adventures, and digital versions of any stretch goals you unlock during this campaign.

The Physical+Digital level gets you everything in the digital level PLUS a physical copy of the Evil Never Dies adventure module and any stretch goals you unlock during the campaign.

All unlocked stretch goals apply to both pledge levels unless otherwise noted.

If you own a retail store, sell online, or sell at conventions, we have a Retailer Only level where you can pick up a great, customizable bundle deal. 

We also have a No Rewards level for people who just want access to the Pledge Manager. You can put as much money as you want (minimum $1) and then it will automatically apply toward your total in the Pledge Manager.

$1900 - Funding Goal Met. High-fives all around. Somebody's gonna chest bump the beholder (once). If we meet the funding goal on Day One then some of you will be extra happy.

$3000 - We Want Moar. Bob Brinkman will create additional Shadowfalls content (with a map) to be included in the Evil Never Dies book. Brett Hess will illustrate the map in his signature style, which will be in the book and also included in the digital map files and the Poster Map Pack add-on.

$4000 Dee Luxe. We add one more pledge level (and matching add-on) for a special fancy  deluxe hardback edition of Evil Never Dies to the campaign and pledge manager.

$5000 Shh... it's a secret. We'll reveal this one when/if it looks like we may have a shot at hitting it.

$7000 Super Secret Goal. Move along, you were never here.

Around here, I'm told the elves have a saying. Granted, my elvish is a little rusty, but I think it translates to "the best way to hit stretch goals is singing loud for all to hear". So if you want to get the extra content from Bob & Brett, or the deluxe hardback, or to see whatever else we have under wraps... help us get the word out! 

In addition to the Pledge Levels and Stretch Goals, we have a number of add-ons available. You will be able to add them with your pledge during the campaign or in the pledge manager once it opens.

T-Shirts (multiple designs), Official DCC Dice (yes all 14) in a variety of styles, a Map Pack with poster-sized versions of all the maps needed for the adventure, and character art commissions (full or headshot) from our featured artists Dan Smith and Raven Evermoor.

We also have our previous releases, including back issues of the system-neutral Explore Dungeons Zine(s), as well as our 5e compatible zine: Tales from the Tower, our Mörk Borg zine : sMörkåsBorg, our Mörk Borg compatible solo Viking survival adventure game KINLESS, and more.

NOTE: Most of the add-ons include both Digital and Physical versions. We haven't quite figured out digital t-shirts or dice yet, but our goblin scientists insist they are close to a breakthrough. Character commissions are digital only, but you are welcome to print them.

Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager. 

As for when it will ship, let me break it down: 

  • The manuscript is complete.
    Editing and review process should be done by end of October.
    Main layout process should be done by end of November.
    Post-Layout review takes a week. Files should hit printer by early December.
    Digital fulfillment happens when files go to the printer by early December.
  • Cover art and interior art are complete
  • Draft maps by Bob are complete and submitted to Cartographer.
  • First map art is complete.
    Second map art is in progress and should be complete by mid-November.
    Third map art should be ready by end of November.
    Poster maps should be at the printer by early December.

We expect everything to be complete on our end by the end of November.

Turnaround time on printing could be as little as 2 weeks or as long as 5 weeks. (We won't know until we submit the files to them.) Fulfillment will begin immediately after receiving the printed books and maps.

We feel reasonably confident that we could start fulfillment in January.

If we hit the We Want Moar stretch goal, that will push printing and delivery back a month at most.

Evil Never Dies is designed by Bob Brinkman (Crypt of the Devil Lich, DCC Dying Earth #7 - Magnificent Machinations at the Grand Exposition of Marvels). Featuring interior & cover art by Dan Smith (Wizards, FASA, Steve Jackson Games) and cartography by Brett Hess (IG: @ArtOfBrettHess). Published by Explore Dungeons.
What risks, if any, are associated with this project? 

As with any crowdfunded project, the following risks apply: 
  • Supply Chain Issues caused by things out of human control can affect turnaround times on printing and shipping, and fulfillment costs. We will try to mitigate this by waiting to collect shipping charges so we can provide the most accurate quote. None of these should stop us from delivering, but they can cause delays.
  • The writing, interior art, and maps are nearly done already and should be complete and in layout by the time this project ends. If we hit the Moar stretch goal, it will delay delivery by about a month or so (which also partly depends on how early we hit that stretch goal).
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