Eren Angiolini
8 months ago

Project Update: Card Sleeves + Fulfilment Schedule + See you at Gen Con!

Hello Adventurers!

The decks will be on their way to you all soon (more info below), so I thought I'd share a little tip to take care of your cards, and make sure they stay in perfect conditions as long as possible.

The cards are 80x120mm, the same size as those for the game Dixit.
This was an intentional choice: not only they're big enough for the art and readable text, but the fact that they're the same size of the cards of such a famous game, makes it so that there's plenty of options for protective card sleeves!

I have gathered a few options for you, so you don't have to go out of your way to find some card sleeves that fit, in case you don't have a local game store to grab some.
The links below are from Amazon (US and UK), but they should re-direct you to similar options, in case you're based in other countries. This is not sponsored by any of these brands!
The main deck contains 135 cards, while the expansions have 15 cards each, so please keep that in mind when purchasing the sleeves, as depending on what you ordered, you might need more than one packet.

Amazon US:
•Sleeve Kings, 80x120mm, 110 sleeves (these are the ones I use and I love them):
•Mayday Games, 80x120mm, 50 sleeves:
•Gamegenic, 81x122mm, 90 sleeves, Matte:

Amazon UK:
•Sleeve Kings, 80x120mm, 110 sleeves (these are the ones I use and I love them):
•Gamegenic, 81x122mm, 90 sleeves, Matte:
•Gamegenic, 81x122mm, 90 sleeves, Prime Clear (not matte):

One final note: I use the Sleeve Kings ones, as mentioned, and once sleeved the cards still fit perfectly in the main game box. I can't guarantee the same for the 81x122mm ones, as I have not tried them.


On Tuesday 16th, the stock has arrived to the fulfilment company, Blackbox. They've taken a couple of days to check that everything was in order and yesterday, Friday 19th of July, I received and paid the invoice for their fulfilment services.
The payment will arrive to their bank on Monday July 22nd, and once it does, they will communicate me the shipping timeline. The fulfilment manager that is working with me, told me that usually, once they receive the payment, it takes them about a week to start shipping.
So if all goes well with the bank transfer, and the payment does arrive as expected on the 22nd, Blackbox should start shipping by the following Monday, the 29th.

I will keep you all updated and confirm or provide new dates once the  payment is received and I speak to the fulfilment manager, but I wanted you to be informed that the stock has arrived and payment has been sent! 
We're closer and closer to the finish line! :)



I'm attending Gen Con for the first time this year! I don't have a table or a booth, but I am moderating a panel with other Critical Role artists on the Saturday (it's sold out, but you can check the info here),  and I will be hosting my Meet & Greet on Sunday!
Tickets for the Meet & Green are still available HERE!
The 2$ price is set by Gen Con, unfortunately it is mandatory for all Meet & Greets (the money goes to them, not me), but I will bring gifts for everyone who attends to make up for it, and signings and photos will be free!
If you're thinking of attending the Meet & Greet, please get your ticket ASAP, so I know how many gifts to bring.
See you all there!

As usual, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out: contact me!
Take care and talk soon,


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