Eren Angiolini
9 months ago

Project Update: The Decks are Ready! + Locking Addresses + Shipping Charges

Hello Adventurers!

I bring great news: the decks, expansions and all the extras are finally printed, tested and approved!
Production is complete, and as I mentioned all the materials have passed the mandatory chemical testing they have to undergo after printing.

The Decks are Ready!

They are now getting nicely packaged and they will soon be sent from the production plant in China to the fulfillment company in the US. In that regard, I have chosen and paid for the expedited Air Freight shipping, which should get the items to the fulfillment company in a couple of weeks, instead of using the boat transfer, which would have taken 50-60+ days.
This was an expensive choice, but it means they get to the fulfillment company in two weeks instead of 2 months (and therefore you get your decks much quicker), making up for the 2 months of delays caused by the plants, and... I also need to worry and stress way less, hoping there are not more delays caused by the boat transfers (which I'm told are always to be expected).

Here are some photos of the final results: I'm extremely happy with the colours, the paper and the overall result!


Locking Addresses on June 20th

With the shipping phase getting close, I will be locking addresses on June 20th.
So please make all changes required before then.
You can do by following the instructions in the In Your Survey section on this page: CLICK HERE!

If you have any issues, please reach out to the BackerKit support team or contact me.


Charging for Shipping on June 21st

Here we go! The final step. In a week, you will be charged for shipping. You will be charged according to your location and I've done everything I could to keep the prices as close to the estimates I had provided (or under).
Shipping prices have gone up significantly and the delay caused by the plant didn't help, so I will absorb some of the extra cost myself, as I don't believe it's right to charge you folks for the delay caused by others.

That being said, cards will be charged for shipping starting on the 21st, so please make sure your payment details are correct and you have the funds available (you should be able to check them in your surveys).

That's all from me for now!
As usual, if you have any questions, please reach out to the BackerKit support team or contact me.
Thank you for your support and have a lovely weekend.


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