Emerald Barkley
11 months ago

Project Update: Gentle reminder to fill out those surveys!

Hey everyone,

First, allow me to marvel at the passage of time and say happy spring! I hope that wherever you are you have had at least some spring-like weather that you have been able to bask in. 

Second, this is a gentle reminder to complete your survey please! I will be locking orders on Monday so that I can begin ordering product, and in order to do this accurately I will need your shirt size if you have ordered clothing. Many thanks in advance!

Last, I have been informed by backerkit that backers who were impacted by overcharges should be seeing their refunds hit their accounts in the next week or so if they have not seen them already. 

That’s all for now! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and have a very good Wednesday. 




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