Dyskami Publishing Company
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Absolute Power Expansions PDFs On Their Way With DriveThru

Happy Friday, superheroes!

As promised in Update #19, every backer who completed their BackerKit survey by this morning are receiving DriveThruRPG PDF download codes for the four new Absolute Power RPG expansions and add-ons today.

If your BackerKit email is the same as your DriveThru email, the download links will also conveniently appear in our DriveThru inbox. Once you log into your account, you can retrieve your inbox messages here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/account_notification_inbox.php

Digital rewards for late surveys will be fulfilled irregularly as they come in – typically within a few days of completion.

Physical Reward Timeline Update

Some awesome news coming your way if you pledged for physical products as well. We have worked with the printer to advance our production timeline by several months! If everything proceeds as planned, physical rewards will ship to backers in January 2024 instead of April as originally announced. The holiday season may delay shipping into February, but we believe January is still possible.

We’ll provide shipping updates when we have it. Until then, enjoy the free digital copies that come with your physical pledge.

Crowdfunding Continuing on Kickstarter

You may have already seen the announcement that we continued the Absolute Power expansions crowdfunding on Kickstarter after this one on BackerKit wrapped up. Although you’re pledge here is already secured, feel free to spread the word about the Kickstarter. The brief campaign ends (for-reals!) on Tuesday, Nov 21st. Who knows – pledges there might even unlock another stretch goal here!

Reminder: Contacting Dyskami for Support

If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this crowdfunding campaign that isn’t addressed in this update – seriously, ANY and ALL aspects – please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us BackerKit messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us. Always.

That’s all for today. Enjoy the PDFs and please spread the word about the Kickstarter! Thanks.




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