Dyskami Publishing Company
over 1 year ago

Project Update: $25K Stretch Goal Unlocked!

You did it! You pushed campaign funding through the $25K threshold and unlocked the campaign’s final stretch goal: a free Absolute Power Character Folio shipped with every pledge at $90+ EXPLORER tier and above. That was some impressive work over these past few hours. 👍

Shooting For The Moon: Bonus Stretch Goal

We know that it’s unlikely that there’s enough time to unlock any additional stretch goals, but we’re setting a bonus one just in case.

As a companion piece to the two scenarios unlocked during the original Absolute Power RPG Kickstarter, if the campaign raises enough pledges to reach the $27K funding goal by 10 pm EDT tonight, our Creative Director Robin Flanagan will write an additional short one-shot adventure scenario as a side story that’s set during the events of Season Two: Dark Empire. This brief scenario will be made available as a free PDF download for all backers at the $44+ PREVIEWER tier and above.

Let’s ensure this campaign finishes with a bang!




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