Dynamite Entertainment
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Time is Running Out! Less Than 24 Hours Left To Back Thundercats Omnibuses on Backerkit

Time is rapidly running out.  There are just a few grains of sand left in the hourglass.  On Thursday 1/30 at 7:00 PST / 10:00 EST the sun will set on The Thundercats Omnibus project here on Backerkit.

Please take a minute to check it out and to make sure you have your copies reserved so you can get these beautiful editions.  Remember - there are two versions of the Oversized Thundercats Omnibus featuring all 24 issues of the original Thundercats comic book run from 1985!  In that volume is an introduction by Larry Kenney (the voice of Lion-O) and and afterword by Mike Carlin (the original editor of Thundercats).  The book is MASSIVE!  Its both oversized and thick as could be clocking in near 600 pages. 

And the big bonus - if you purchase the Hardcover omnibus, you'll get TWO FREE Mark Spears virgin art variants of Thundercats #12 and #13 ($100 value free)!  Mark is THE hottest cover artist in the industry now!  That's a huge bonus for backers of the campaign!  This is a FANTASTIC opportunity!

Check it all out and see all the wonderful Thundercats items now celebrating 40 years of Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats Ho!






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