Larry Kenney & Mark Spears Talk Thundercats Omnibus Editions!
Dynamite Entertainment
Project Update: Thundercats Omnibus Editions Design Work is Done
As soon as we do have final sign off and are able to start the printing process we will get everyone additional information about our expected shipping window. We're excited to take the next steps and to get these books to the Thundercats fans as quickly as we can.
Watch for more updates coming soon.
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I'd love to see an update monthly on progress of printing and process so that crickets does not = a feeling of lack of fulfillment. Communication is key with these types of transactions and would love to see more.
Just wondering when to expect the backer survey to be sent out so that we can provide our shipping information? Any updates would be appreciated.
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Make the back goals could we know what the last reward would of been? Obviously we know about Lion-O and Cheetra, but my curiosity peaked if my guess was right.