MONTY PYTHON and the HOLY GRAIL board game

MONTY PYTHON and the HOLY GRAIL board game

Beware of flying cows & the unstoppable Black Knight, this is the officially licensed quest for the Holy Grail!
$342,895 🎉
of $50,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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First, we were excited to announce a new stretch goal for everyone as late pledge backers find the Monty Python Holy Grail Game.  Then we were surprised to see that it was a rather unusual card which breaks the game!  And finally, we were amused that only in an epic quest for the Holy Grail could such chaos be unleashed.  Having gone through the full range of emotions and reactions, we are satisfied...well I suppose that is another reaction, now isn't it?

When we reach $349,009 on the campaign through the late backers pre-order page, this rather chaotic card will be added to the game to add yet another level of foolishness to add to your board gaming delight.

Designed by: Gwen Ruelle & Sam Bryant

You are one of the Knights of the Round Table and have joined King Arthur in the legendary Quest for the HolyGrail. But this is no ordinary board game quest, valiant hero, this is an epic adventure of absurdity that will take you across the land to visit all your favorite (and not so favorite) people and places from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

You and your friends will venture to far off lands to battle the Black Knight, catapult cows, hurl insults, and complete the most Quests to prove that you are the most valorous Knight of all. So, gather up your coconuts and get ready to ride off with a few fond friends, because no one can say “ni” to the weirdest (and perhaps most pointless) game you’ll play this week!
  • Featuring original movie artwork by TerryGilliam and stills from the movie!
  • Buildable, 3-D catapult!
  • Wooden meeples & point markers!
  • Large 20x20" folding board
  • Remove the Black Knight’s limbs to gain power-ups!

You and up to four other Players will each gather your own, secret Quest cards with unique requirements for completion.

Move your Knight pawn across the board, gathering the resources you’ll need to complete a Quest card from your hand...

Then reveal that card to the rest of the players when you’re ready to QUEST. Everyone at the table participates in each Quest and time and strategy are of the essence! You’re either the “Quester” who played the card, or everyone else acting as a group “Defense”, trying to ruin it for you. The “Quester” and “Defense” take turns playing cards from their hand to build their own “Stack” and be the first to reach the Quest goal number.

Reach the Quest goal exactly, or have the closest number without going over, to name yourself the victor and earn those Valor points!

But Questing isn’t the only way to make your friends’ lives more difficult! The Black Knight wanders across the land, looking for Knights to do battle with. If you manage to win the fight, and give the Black Knight a “scratch”, keep his limb as a "power-up" for the rest of the game!

And if the Black Knight doesn’t get you, the catapult will when your opponent chooses to launch cow meeples across the board to hit pawns and gain even more Valor points.

There’s many ways to earn points and win the game, and all of them are crazy so good luck playing with a straight face!



Brooklyn and Martha’s Vineyard-based game designers Samuel Bryant and Gwen Ruelle met each other at Sarah Lawrence College in 2007. Both lifelong gamers, they began designing games together in 2014. They launched their own publishing company, Runaway Parade Games, in 2018. Their co-designs include Fire Tower, the Rising Flames Expansion, Punch Bowl, and several others.


We're currently scheduled to deliver our game to backers by the END OF JULY 2024, though please be patient if we encounter any delays with production and/or delivery from the factory. Obviously, issues can arise with any product and we will certainly notify our backers with any delays, if they were to occur.

We are not charging for shipping until the survey stage of the campaign, but below is a guide for what we estimate your shipping will be, based on your delivery location.

We are working with worldwide fulfillment companies to help lower your shipping costs for non-U.S. backers. This chart shows our most current rates. Please note that buyers will be responsible for applicable VAT charges for regions that require it as with any international purchase.   


As our campaign surpasses it's original goal, we now offer our backers some extra fun goodies!

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