Dungeon Damsel
about 1 month ago

Project Update: More Progress!!

Hello Unnatural Selectors!

We now have a manufacturing completion date (August 15) for everything -- EXCEPT the dice! Ouch. Turns out the dice are going to take much longer than we anticipated. HOWEVER -- Do not fret. We have a solution.

Instead of shipping the dice via barge, we are going to pay extra to airship the dice so that they arrive to our fulfillment center at approximately the same time as the shipment of the books, bi-fold adventures and dice bags.  If we didn't decide to do this, you wouldn't be receiving your precious packages until December or later. While we appreciated the idea of a Christmas present for all of you, it would NOT have been a great gift to learn that you had to wait until late December to receive the goods.

Therefore -- fingers tentatively crossed -- everything is lining up for a Halloween delivery.

So what else could go wrong? Well, we could receive the dice samples and we could say, "Not good enough" -- which would mean we'd have to go back to the drawing board on those. If that were to happen, I'm sure we'd come up with some other solution, but hopefully that WON'T happen. We want the best for you, and the best means potential quality control delays.

Otherwise, the only potential delays we foresee could be related to our fulfillment and shipping partner. This has nothing to do with them and everything to do with the process being new to us. The products haven't been delivered to the shipping center yet, so we don't have enough experience knowing how efficient and speedy they will be at packing and shipping your loot. But we aren't concerned as they are EXTREMELY communicative, and we anticipate smooth sailing on these unpredictable waters.

Thanks as always for your patience, and rest assured that we see a torch at the end of the tunnel! 

Before we go, here are the updated dice bags. The black is sporting the new, larger design that fills the bag face more thoroughly (it was so tiny and we had to make adjustments). The red bag is now more maroonier than ever and pairs even more perfectly with the special edition book. 

                                             Old                                   VS                                New 

We have been steadily removing products from the pre-order store in lieu of manufacturing, so if you haven't yet snagged your copy of the book, the bags or the deadly dice, order today! You don't want to miss out on these goodies, and they'll be gone before you know it!

That's all for now! We love and appreciate everyone, your patience and your support during this ongoing adventure!  Rest assured that we see a torch at the end of the tunnel!

Until next time,
The Dungeon Damsel Team

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