Dungeon Damsel
5 months ago

Project Update: Manufacturing is COMPLETE!

HOORAY! No more errors needing reprinting!

The manufacturing is now all done for the books, dice bags, 0-level characters, and adventure bi-folds. They will be set to sea by freighter on October 23 (tomorrow) and arrive in the U.S. on Dec 2nd, where they will be routed to the fulfillment facility for individual packing and shipping to YOU, which should begin on Dec 12th. Our Fulfillment center has warned us that these shipments can experience unforseen delays of a week or so. BUT -- assuming no delays -- all shipping will begin before Christmas. 

(This freighter carrying our books is our own version of the Shadow Barge. Maybe the Unnatural Skiff?) 

The dice are currently being manufactured and will be internationally air-shipped to arrive at the fulfillment center before the books arrive there. The pins and stickers are being manufactured by two different companies to also arrive before the books do.

Lots of coordination, and it seems we're entering into the final stages of this thing! Woo hoo! 

We will be locking in addresses soon -- but we're going to wait a bit longer to ensure that prices don't change AFTER we lock in shipping fees. 

More to come!
The Dungeon Damsel Team

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