Joie Martin
5 months ago

Project Update: Poll Results & New Cover

Hello Wayfarers! A brief update to let you know the results of the poll, and to give you a sneak peek at the new cover for the core book, the Wayfaring Strange Wayfarer's Guide!

In the last update, I put up a poll on Twitter to determine what design should go on the back of the wooden nickels for Wayfaring Strange. You overwhelmingly voted (72%!) for a nautical star/compass design, so that image will be on the back of the wooden nickels, and the Wayfaring Strange logo will be on the front.

I also wanted to update you on the progress of the core book. At this time, art for the book is complete, so the layout and proofing process has begun. I did want to give you a sneak peek at the cover for the game, however, and you can find that attached below:

The cover, and most of the artwork for Wayfaring Strange, are composite images created in Photoshop. They usually start with a base photo that I build on top of using a variety of techniques. This one was made through the use of color correction and enhancement, highlighting, filters, graphic layering, editing and hand drawing.

Hopefully the next update will be to notify you that the Wayfarer's Guide is done. Keep your fingers crossed!




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