Joie Martin
6 months ago

Project Update: New Timeline and a Poll

Hello Wayfaring Strange backers! I apologize for so long without an update, but I appreciate your patience while my body decided to revolt. I finally managed to overcome the health issues I was battling, and had my final checkup, post-kidney surgery, a few weeks ago. So far, everything seems to be operating exactly as it should. This means I've been jumping back into various projects and moving forward on Wayfaring Strange.

As of now, the core book for Wayfaring Strange, the Wayfarer's Guide, is completely written and edited. I'm currently working on additional art and layout, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to get the book into your hands in the next couple of weeks. Once that's done, I'll begin working on the supplemental books in turn, starting with the Travel Guide's Atlas. Once all PDFs are complete, I'll begin the printing process, then shipping physical rewards.

Regarding physical rewards, I'll be using the same wooden nickel supplier I use for demo games, but I'm stuck on what to put on the back of the wooden nickels. I have several options, so I thought I'd leave it up to you to decide. If you'd like to vote on which design to use, there's a link to a poll on my Twitter account below. It's only open for a week (because that's as long as they'll let me keep it open), but I'm interested in your feedback! Right now, I'm debating between the traditional wooden nickel buffalo, the pyramid-and-eye (aka the "eye of providence"), or a nautical star/compass. I've also left room to suggest other designs, if you have more ideas I haven't thought of.

You can cast your vote for the wooden nickel design here:

Finally, I originally intended to have all books in this series complete by October of this year, but it currently looks like I'll only have the core book done by that deadline. I'm really sorry for the delay, but I'll continue working on the additional books in the coming months, and I'll endeavor to keep you better updated on my progress. I really do appreciate the trust you've put in me and, once again, thank you for believing in this weird little game!




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