Dream Keep Kingdom (by Shottsy)
3 days ago

Project Update: We DID IT!!! Cherry Cordial Fully Funded!!!

Hello Dreamers! 

Don’t forget even if they aren’t sold out the early bird pricing and special bonus pins goes away after today!!! 

  • There are free mini unicone pins with the unicones for early birds

  • Now that both me and my collab partner have met our first goals if you pledge the required amount on BOTH our campaigns you get both of our crossover pins FREE! (Minimum to pledge to get mine is $40)


These are the ONLY ways to get one of the Dream Defender Pins and the perks they come with! 

  1. YOU MUST BE A RETURNING BACKER OR HAVE PLEDGED FOR DARK DREAMS OVER ON THE DREAM KEEP DRAGONS CAMPAIGN if you don’t meet either of these to criteria, I’m sorry you can’t get one. 

  2. The tiers you pledge for matter! You don’t qualify if you didn’t pledge for a plush on the last campaign. If you did, these are the tiers that qualify to get the pin: 

    • pledged for any plush on my dragon campaign AND pledge for one of our early bird unicone tiers

      • Early bird 1 scoop = Bronze tier
      • Early bird 2 Scoop = Silver Tier
      • Early bird 3 scoop = Gold tier

    • Pledged in “Dream keep Dragon” campaign and pledge early bird dragon pin set tier - This only gets Silver tier

    • Pre-Order Dark Dreams as one of the first 80 orders over on the original Dream Keep Dragon backerkit preorder page. - 

      • Again, Dark Dreams ONLY comes with the dream defender gold pin if you are one of the first 80 to pre-order him on the original campaign so don’t cancel your orders to pledge for him over on the Mythical munchies one if you want the pin! 
      • He DOES count for the pin on the mythical munchies campaign if he is your second plush such as you pledged for a different dragon when we ran our Dream keep dragon campaign and now pledged for him here. 

IMPORTANT: If you pledge after today your order will not count for the pin! They are for Early birds ONLY!! So don’t delay! If you miss the cutoff the only way to still get one is to grab Dark Dreams on the original campaign before the slots fill up! 

PERKS of Dream Defender Pins: 
First dibs on Prototypes and discontinued plush. Some may go to secret auction where the Gold tier’s can bid or pass. If all gold tier members pass then the silver tier will get the chance at what is left. This could include dragons we don’t produce. Weird one of a kind versions such as the Star Dreamer from the other factory and other oddities as we grow our business. 

Periodic monthly and special occasion discounts for our online store. Exclusive access to member only items and chats, and special discounts and exclusive merch when you see us in person at a show such as other pins, stickers, keychains that aren’t available for purchase but just for you guys! Also stronger input on voting and suggestions for future creations. 
Plus more once we iron it all out we will be sending you guys your access and list of perks! My husband will be helping me manage this new club and even be making spreadsheets super organized! 

The tier perks are for a year only and we will be making new badges if this goes well or if not then you guys will be the ONLY we will see what the future holds but those that get the first year ones if they stay along on this journey we plan to do extra special things to honor you guys because who are we without those that help us get where we want to go? 

Thank you all for supporting our dreams and being a part of this journey! We hope that they continue to soar and grow and we can introduce you all to all the other characters, stories and creations we have planned! 

Cherry Cordial 12” plush funded
Goal: $10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
user avatar image for Dream Keep Kingdom (by Shottsy)




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