Gaming Ballistic
about 2 months ago

Project Update: See a mistake? Errata Report link attached.

I've gotten a few notes on potential errors. Some aren't; some are.

Regardless, if you think you've spotted one not listed below, please go here:

and use the drop-down to select Warlock Knight and let me know what the mistake is.

Things I know about:

The images for Zombies don't all match up for weapon carriage. Axes in the stat block with swords in the image. I'll fix that.

Some of the various low-grade NPCs aren't strong enough for their weapons. The zombies (again) are more or less ST 10 but have ST 11-12 weapons. I'll probably just up the ST of these guys. 

The random farmers have clubs in one or two hands, and the artwork isn't always 100% clublike. That one is just artistic discretion/license, and won't be treated as an error. Random long stick swung unskilled in 1H is going to be treated as a 1H club (+3 hits based on the ST table) and random stick or (as the art shows) pitchfork will be treated as a club used in two hands "like a maul" and I'm interpreting this as "it's the two hands that matters," giving ST table from HTH +4 instead of +3.

(FWIW, I would not characterize a club in two hands as a maul; that's basically a longer-handled sledgehammer or a wood-splitting tool with a particular shaped head and slightly longer handle ... still a tool not really designed as a weapon, but much more top-heavy than just a stick used in two hands.)

There's a question of wizard's "staff" used in one or two hands and what that should do. It's not quarterstaff or axe/mace unless they have the Talent, and it might be just treat as a 1H (for short staffs) or 2H (for long ones) club, though that starts to get into other issues. I've pinged Steve himself on this, and will amend/adjust if/when he gets back to me.

Regardless, David has - with good reason - pointed me at the Treo School (there's an apostrophe in there somewhere) for examples of melee weapons used by wizards by choice or in desperation, so I'll definitely be steered by that, since it got SJ personal review, I think. Or a Line Editor of some sort.

In any case, there will be some changes to book and cards, and then I'll respool and lock addresses and such. 

Still have a few days to use the link above.




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