Aaron Son
12 months ago

Project Update: Organizers have arrived! Shipping Phase begins

Hey Backers,

Great news! 😊

We have received the Pocket EDC organizers 📦 (20 large boxes in total) and are now moving into the shipping phase of the project!

Shout out to FedEx for handling the final mile delivery.

We have just sent the "48 hour shipping address" notifications from the BackerKit Survey, if you need to update/change your shipping address, please do so by answering the email before Monday. If you do not need to update your shipping address, you do not need to do anything as your survey will automatically lock in 48 hours (Monday).

Once the surveys have been locked, we will be importing in orders to our shipstation software in preparation for printing shipping labels. Since we only have 300-400 packages to ship, this should be fairly quick if we can get in an extra set of helping hands. But, as of right now it looks like a one man show so we are asking backers to please be patient with us.

Note: If you upgraded your shipping to USPS Priority Mail or UPS Ground, those will be shipping out first.

International backers, we ship via a different process and requires a bit of extra time compared to our USA backers. Please bear with us. 🙏

We will be back again Monday with another status update.

Thank you!





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