D.L. Gardner Books
6 days ago

Project Update: This will probably be the fastest fulfillment I've had yet.

Those of you who have backed my campaigns on Kickstarter know my fulfillments are pretty quick. I have a method, and all my books are printed in the USA. 

That being said, the leather edition of Thread of a Spider is already getting a proof made and I should be able to upload the image before this campaign is over. Also, the paperbacks have been ordered and unless there is a sweeping rush for more, everything will be ready to go once the surveys are complete and Backerkit has my payment in the bank. So there won't be a wait. The bookmarks are also at the printers.

A note, the hardcover edition has been changed slightly than what the mock-up shows. Not much though. The leather is forest green, and the title and my name are in reverse order. I can't wait to see it.

I might mention that the holidays are coming, and lovely hardcover books make wonderful gifts as do paperbacks if you aren't looking to spend so much. You might consider some add ons to do your shopping now! Every book will get it's own foil bookmark so if you buy 3,  you'll get three bookmarks. 

This story is loved by teenagers as well as adults and anyone with a soft heart for the Irish.

Thank you for your pledge. I appreciate it.

You might also want to take a look at Lorri's campaign as we partner in Booktopia together.





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