D.L. Gardner Books
4 months ago

Project Update: Hardcovers are on the Way

Thank you so much for your support for Thread of a Spider.

I packaged the last of the campaign rewards this morning. Those of you with hardcover pledges, I sent an email with your tracking number but I might have missed you. If so, send me an email and I'll give you your tracking #. I've yet to be proficient with Backerkit and I think I failed to put a few of you in the queue for sending the notification.

[email protected] 

If you want to stay engaged with me and learn of  my events, books, and other trivia, please subscribe to SubStack. I have free stories and other info for you there. I did a cleaning of my email list, so it's possible if you signed up before you might not be on it any longer. 

I'd love for you to follow my next campaign over on Kickstarter. It will be a while before it launches, after the holidays, but the sooner I get followers, the better it will do on the algorithms. This is book 4 to the Sword of Cho Nisi series and you can pick the entire series up in this campaign if you missed any of the books. 

Sword of Cho Nisi Series

Darkness Holds the Son
I hope after reading Thread of a Spider, you'll be interested in this series as well. Thank you for following!






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