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Latest from the Creator
Crossed Paths
5 days ago
Update #6 - Let's talk about the future!
Hello Lightbearers! Today I wanted to talk about a question that kept coming up to me regarding the future of this book. That was whether or not this was a standalone story or...
Crossed Paths
7 days ago
Update #5 - More Prizes for the Trivia Challenge!
Hello Lightbearers! There have been some questions about how the Trivia Challenge worked so today we will go over it to help give you a better idea of why we're doing this! But...
Crossed Paths
8 days ago
Update #4 - Remember the Preview!
Hello Lightbearers! Today's faction showcase is the main threat of the novel and the ones who currently rule Batesian - The Pyrelords. The final rains of destruction weathered...
Crossed Paths
10 days ago
Update #3 - Stretch Goal Unlocked!
Hello Lightbearers! Today I wanted to showcase one of the more popular Lightbearer Factions (based on votes) - The Auradancers. Mana died when the final leaf from the world tr...
Crossed Paths
10 days ago
Update #2 - Another Day, Another Update
Hello again Lightbearers! It’s officially been 24 hours and in that time we have managed to smash our goal and also break one stretch goal while being super close to achieving ...
Crossed Paths
11 days ago
Update #1 - Funded in 3 Minutes!
Good day, Lightbearer, And a good day it is, indeed. Today, we have successfully funded! Thanks to your support, we will now be able to print the book and get this story made....
Crossed Paths
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5 days ago

Project Update: Update #6 - Let's talk about the future!

Hello Lightbearers!

Today I wanted to talk about a question that kept coming up to me regarding the future of this book. That was whether or not this was a standalone story or part of a wider narrative.

This is written as Part 1 of a 3 part series, I am currently about 50% of the way through Book 2 and aim to give you a complete narrative at the end of it.

I will not leave this story half done and intend to give you an ending so you can rest assured that this will be a complete experience!

Remember that if you still want to read the first 3 chapters, they're available now!

Lore Drop

Today we will be talking a little more about Heimstre, the World Tree.

The history of the world tree is just as long as the history of Akeroth itself. Many eras ago during the Age of Dragons, Valethar planted a single seed in the lands carved within the emptiness of this realm. She imbued it with her mana, raw and untamed. Most living things would crumble under the sheer power she provided but this little seed did not.

Many texts speak of how she nutured it, visiting it everyday and leaving the gates of Adaphae. She spoke to it, telling it tales and fables of a future unwritten, unbound by fate. These are what the seed thrived on, what it used to grow. It wasn't gaining life due to the rain or the nurishment in the soil but feeding off of what would be, who would be.

Eventually, after many years of love, the tree took it's form. It grew beyond the skies and watched over Akeroth as it's silent guardian. However, Zurteus was not pleased. He did not revel watching this tree, this simple plant, harbour the love he deserved from his wife and so during a night most sacred he finally did it.

He came down from the heavens to meet this tree, to talk to it and learn why his wife had such love for it. Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days and with time, he understood. He knew that this tree was more than just a simple plant, it was what would bind this realm together but also what would bind him.

Be it through jealously or through fear, Zurteus made his choice. He tore down the tree with all his might, ravaging it in to eleven pieces. Ripping the very fabrics of mana from the world but mana was still young, still new to this world and even though his hatred of the tree was true, he knew the people of this land did not deserve his rage.

As an act of kindness to the innocent he planted each of the eleven pieces in each of the regions, founding them as their own locations and giving them access to Mana.

This is a very central story in this world so if you're keen to learn more about Akeroth then be sure to back today!

Daily Trivia Challenge - Day 7

Today is Day 7 of the Trivia Challenge and it's so cool to see we're getting a winning team more clearly!

The Mirrorweavers are taking over!

The winning team will receive a very special prize but any one who takes part will also get the amazing art print too!

Thank you so much and I'll be back with another update soon!

-- A. R. Swain
user avatar image for Crossed Paths




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Crossed Paths
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7 days ago

Project Update: Update #5 - More Prizes for the Trivia Challenge!

Hello Lightbearers!

There have been some questions about how the Trivia Challenge worked so today we will go over it to help give you a better idea of why we're doing this! But before that I wanted to show something off to you!

A friend of mind was kind enough to put together a binding of my first draft print in hardbound from so I can see how the final Lux Edition will look and I am over the moon!

Here is your look at just how gorgeous it is!

This copy was handmade by a bookbinder and not mass-produced so please keep that in mind

This is not a 1:1 representation of the final version - Binding by Bekisbookbinds

Remember that these Lux Editions will not be reprinted so if you are interested in getting a Backerkit Exclusive Edition then be sure to back today or upgrade your pledge!

I cannot wait to get the print proofs late down the line and have the final product ready for all of you!

Trivia Challenge

Sunspeakers claim knowledge as their domain while Moonseers seek wisdom. But in this arena of intellect, all stand equal. Which Faction will reign supreme in our epic lore challenge? 

How to Participate

 After securing your pledge, you'll be prompted to declare your allegiance. This momentous choice will induct you into your chosen Faction, bestow upon you a unique sigil to display in the community sections, and grant you the honor of championing your Faction in our contests!

To enter the battlefield of minds, venture to our campaign stronghold via BackerKit and engage in the daily trivia challenge!

Select your answers with care, for each correct choice elevates your Faction in the eyes of the Lightbearers.

Teams are ranked by the highest percentage of correct trivia answers! These percentages are weighted based on the size of each order. So, even if your order has fewer members - yes, Pyrelords, you are the focus here - your chance at glory remains undimmed... provided your lore mastery holds true, naturally.

As a thank you to your valor, all who participate shall get an Art Print - in both physical and digital forms.

Physical Art Prints are not available with Digital Pledges - The City of Witheters by Ryan Rodero

Moving forward, one question will be posted each weekday at 3pm GMT/7am PST. 

The Games have begun

Remember that the winners will get a special prize that will not be available else where to let's get your Faction to victory!

Thanks again!

-- A. R. Swain

user avatar image for Crossed Paths




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Crossed Paths
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1 day ago




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Crossed Paths
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2 days ago




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Crossed Paths
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5 days ago
90 votes • 10 days left




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