Crossed Paths
8 months ago

Project Update: First Post-Campaign Update!

Hello Scions,

Thank you for your support through the campaign and I am just blown away at what we managed to achieve.

I wanted to cover some points as we are now officially post-campaign.

Backerkit Charges

You should have already been or will be charged for your pledge up until the 12th July. This is the 2 week period that Backerkit needs to collect your funds. If you have had an error or failed payment - Do not worry!

Simply head here: > Find Ashes in that list and click "View Pledge"

On this page you will be able to change your card info and reattempt your payment!

If after this period you still haven't completed it then your pledge will be dropped. This means you won't be able to claim any rewards until your payment is completed during the Backer Survey stage of this campaign.

Backer Surveys

I should have backer surveys done in the next few months, I try not to rush this area of the campaign due to Taxes, shipping and other really delicate areas that could blow up in my face if I'm not careful so if you haven't gotten a survey in the next month, do not worry. I will make a full update when they become available for you to fill out!

Stretch Goals

Thank you for your hard work in trying to reach the final goal for the campaign! We were literally 21 away from hitting it so as to give you one more chance, this goal will happen if we get an additional 20 backers during the pre-order period.

So tell your friends that the Pre-Order Store is officially open! You can pick your pledge level here:


Anyway, I wanted to firstly give you all the promised Discord invitation.

You will need to verify yourself as a backer but as the process is manual (the bot I had has died) I will need to verify you when I am able to so you may see no movement on your joining for a few days but I promise I'm doing it. Once you have joined I will be opening up playtesting of V0.1 if you wish to play the very first edition of this title in all it's clunky glory and be part of it's development.

Development & Other Projects

I want to be upfront about how I manage the running of this company/publishing house. I don't take projects to crowdfunding until they are atleast 80% done and have had a good round of playtesting.

Ashes got that and I am very pleased to say that the current version of the game, as rough as it is, is more than 80% finished and playtesters have had the ability to play from start to finish if they so wished.

Writing, testing and retweaking mechanics takes time. Outside of the writing, alot of this is hands-free time where I have to await feedback before being able to impliment anything and so during that period I work on other games, write other content and really try to push other areas.

The reason I mention this, as old backers know, is that I do tend to have a new project out after my last but with my workflow and trusted team, I manage to stay on top of things.

In September, I have been invited to take part in Backerkit's Booktopia Event. This event is where creators who have had an idea for a novel or book can bring it to crowdfunding in a fun community event so if you see my book there know that I’ve been working on it personally for the past year and I delegate projects to certain teams both internally/hiring externally, so I won't be letting it effect the release/development of Ashes, do not worry! 

One More Thing!

Finally, I wanted to take a moment to thank you once again for your support and leave you with this final surprise;

With all my titles, I like having ambient music. I have curated a playlist of hand-picked tracks to get you into the mood of exploring the depths of Mayfalls.

I hope you enjoy this and I cannot wait to show you more as this game gets finished!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

-- Ash
user avatar image for Crossed Paths





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