Tim Roberts
about 1 month ago

Project Update: A Quick Update


So, they say no news is good news, but in the case of crowdfunding, I don't believe that's the case.

There's not much to report at the moment, but I still think it's important to let you know that I haven't vanished and that your beautiful game is still happening. Especially if this is your first crowdfunding experience.

The actual book is still being finalised by me. I do flaff about (edit/polish/tweak) a bit and that invariably makes my projects a few months late, but I also want this to be my opus. I've switched the voice in the writing a couple of times as it wasn't landing. I finally think I've now nailed the right blend of humour and attitude for a game that involves being a punk.

Here are a couple more sample pages:

Next week, I'll share some more pages with you and I've got some specs for print nerds to share. This book is one for the coffee table and not just the shelf.

That said, I want to assure you that we are not talking months for fulfilment.  This beast of a game will be in your hands in the Autumn period.

Some news: The dice are ready! They will be shipped this week and we should have them at the beginning of next month. I've seen the T-Shirts too and they look fab. I'll know more about when we are getting them next week.

Some more news: I'm heading for PaxWest on the 28th and I will take some actual printed pages from the book with me. If you are at that event, please do come say hi and let's chat.

We're also planning a live stream in October in front of a live and internet audience. I have no f***king idea how that will happen, but we'll make it happen. It will be an original story. 

Right, that's all for now. Apologies for making no news into several hundred words.

I will be back with updates, frequently, just so you know I'm not one of those take-the-money-and-run types. I can't emphasise how much it means to me that you supported Punk is Dead. It's thanks to you that I don't have to get a real job.

Tim <3




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