Tim Roberts
4 months ago

Project Update: Quick update - the journals & the Dead Punk's Society!

Hey there,

So, we have some pics of the journal covers hot of the printing press. These use the same pantones as the core rulebook so they give you some indication of how much this book and the BM screens are going to be in your face.


As soon as I have images of the rulebook, I will post them. I'm hoping to get a firm date on the print being finished in the next few days, though I hope you'll appreciate that Christmas can make everything messy. In any case, I will keep you updated.

I'm also working on the first issue of Dead Punks Society, a monthly PiD PDF zine which contains all kinds of bollocks for the game. This month's issue has 10 venues to play in, an interview with the Shit Biscuits and a free-ads section with some more gear for the game.

Next month will have an original scenario for PiD.

Here's the cover of issue one which drops next week:

You can subscribe for £3.50 a month over on my Patreon page.

And, yeah, I get it if you want to wait until you have the physical book before subscribing. That's fair.

Right, I'm out of here, I'll be back soon with more updates on the production. Also, watch your inbox for that updated rulebook I promised last week. I am actually going to upload it this week.

Hasta la proxima!


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