Project Update: We're funded! Thank you!!! (And a question)...
Hey there,
This is a very quick update. Trust me, there will be many more meandering ones to come.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who got us over the line in under 90 mins and everyone else who is a potential future backer. Look, there's a little guy hanging from a sash on our header to celebrate this achievement!
I'm dead excited about this chaotic little game and I can't wait to run it for you on a stream as well as see what you do with it.
So, I have a question to kick things off.
In Unleashed, you can play any kind of dog you like (even ones that don't exist). Your dog has a positive and a negative trait -- just one thing that goes for them and one thing that hinders them. There is guidance for this in the rulebook, but please let me know in the comments below, which breed of doggo you would like to play and what traits you would suggest for them.
Who knows, it might even get in the book as an example!
So, once again, thank you for your support and I can't wait to hear about your dastardly doggos!