Unleashed - A solo/multiplayer TTRPG zine about doggos doing heists.

Unleashed - A solo/multiplayer TTRPG zine about doggos doing heists.

Ready to commit the paw-fect crime. In this TTRPG for one or more players, you will take on the role of canine criminals robbing from the rich to feed the strays.
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Pocketopia 2025

This project is part of Pocketopia 2025, which runs from March 13th - April 3rd 2025. Learn more →



Are you ready to commit the paw-fect crime?

By day you are a pampered pooch, with rich and famous owners, but by night you are using your connections to pull off daring heists, robbing from those your owners rub shoulders with to feed the street dogs in each city you visit.

From the award-winning creator of Be Like a Cat and Be Like a Crow comes a game about our best animal friends. This quick-to-learn TTRPG can be played solo or as a kennel crew and requires no GM. Grab some six-sided dice and prepare to get heisting.

The cover of the 40 page a5 soft touch book depicting a group of cartoon dogs making a getaway in a car


You can play Unleashed solo or with a group of friends. In either case all you need are a few six-sided dice and a pen and paper.

Gameplay takes place in three phases also know as PEE (PLANNING, EXECUTION, ESCAPE).

In this phase you find out what you need to steal, who you are stealing it from and where it is located. The book has plenty of heists in the form of rollable tables, as well as a starter scenario, Kelly's Heroes. You can also create your own custom crime caper.

In the planning phase, you can also set the difficulty and length of your game by choosing how many obstacles you will face. Some of these obstacles you will know about before you set out, allowing you to do some prep-work, but others will only reveal themselves during the job meaning you will have to be ready to think on your feet.

This is when it gets real. You will work through each obstacle that stands in the way of your prize. In the multiplayer game, each time you are faced with a new obstacle, one player takes on the role of Lookout. The Lookout doesn't take part in the resolution of that obstacle, but they do direct the game as a GM would. This role should pass around the table as you move through each obstacle.

Your doggos have no explicitly defined skills. Unleashed uses a tweaked version of Cezar Capacle's Push System, applying a single mechanic to all types of conflict resolution:

Whenever your character attempts something that you consider dramatically interesting, roll 1d6. Check your result:

On a 5 or 6, it's a success.
On a 4 or lower, it's a success with a complication that can increase your chances of being caught.

If you roll a 4 or lower, you can push your roll with another d6 and you must add it to the original result. If that is 7 or higher, it's a failure and your chances of being caught just ramped up.

There are guidelines and examples for interpreting these results in the core rulebook.

Additionally, your doggos have two traits related to their breed (positive and negative) as well as a criminal archetype, both of which can help or hinder you mechanically.

There's a good chance, that even if you manage to get the prize, you may have aroused suspicion during your heist. During the Execution phase, certain failures will give you suspicion points. You will count these at the end of the game to see if you are able to escape or not. In a multiplayer game, not everyone may avoid the dog-catcher, so you'll need to be mindful of who is carrying the loot in this phase.

In the spirit of Pocketopia, this is going to be a little game with a lot of bite. We want you to have the game as soon as possible, so we are keeping the available pledge levels to a minimum.

We're not flaffing about with this game. It's fast-paced just like this campaign. For this reason, we're not offering loads of related add-ons.

You can grab extra dice and the copies of the game if you want to combine your pledges with friends.

You can also grab some of our other games here. Because we have one postage rate for each zone, it makes no difference how many games you purchase, you won't be charged any more for postage.


As the game is already created and playtested, we only have a few small layout jobs left to do, then it will go to print.

This means we can turn the game around and get it out to you within two to three weeks of the campaign's end!
Shipping is not included in your pledge and will be collected sometime around April 20th, shortly before we begin fulfilling rewards. Remember, your shipping rate is fixed, so you won't be charged any more if you tag any add-ons on with your rewards.


Tim Roberts is an award-winning creator of solo role-playing games including Be Like a Crow, Be Like a Cat and d666. Originally from Bradford, West Yorkshire, he now lives in Somerset where he runs an independent TTRPG publishing company. When he's not writing, he's thinking of things to write.

Sarah Roberts is the office manager at Critical Kit. She will deal with any enquiries you have during the fulfilment process.

Josh Youngblut is the Distribution Manager at Critical Kit. He will make sure you get your stuff!

Chrissy McMorris is our proofreader, ensuring that Tim's words are polished and the rules are consistent and clear.
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