Crimson Terrain
6 months ago

Project Update: April Progress Update

Hey all I just want to very quickly let you know how the project has progressed over the last couple of months as I've been working on getting as much done as quickly as I can.  I got really busy today and over the last week and didn't have the time to put together much in the way of visuals for you but I will have a bunch of previews and nice things to look at on the next update. Anyway here is where we stand so far:

Terrain Packs
Draft 100%, Line Art, 90%, Paint 40%, Assembly 10%, Review 0%, Release X
Draft 90%, Line Art, 80%, Paint 50%, Assembly 20%, Review 0%, Release X
Draft 75%, Review 0%, Release X

To elaborate just a bit on the above, I have nearly finished the maps I have just a couple left to sketch out and plan a bit more before getting the final line art done, and about half of the painting remains to be completed. The adventures are nearly complete and I'm pretty excited to share some of the silly and strange stuff I've cooked up for that little book.  The review stage will occur once I have completed or mostly completed the "final" versions of each reward at which point I'll go over everything and see if any elements need to be revised and ensure that everything is cohesive. 

I want to thank you all again for your incredible patience. I know that this has taken me a very long time and I really look forward to getting this project to you as soon as I can.  
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