Crimson Terrain
over 2 years ago

Project Update: Survey Emails Sent

I want to quickly thank you all for supporting this project. I have just a quick update for today to let you know that the smoke tests have been run and I found no issues with the surveys so I sent the survey emails out to everyone a few moments ago. You should see an email from Backerkit about these surveys showing up in your inbox soon if you have not already. If for some reason you don't see the email in your inbox check the usual spam folders and if you still don't see it try using the link below to access your survey. If the very unlikely situation occurs that this still does not work for you please leave me a comment or send me an email, addressed to [email protected] and I'll get things straightened out for you as soon as possible.

Also as to the determining a winner for the last Terrain Takedown. I decided not to add this question to the survey after all and simply declare them both the winners since they were both equally popular and produce both sets!

Thank you again for your support. I can't wait to share more about this project with you as it continues to develop in the near future.




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