Coyote & Crow Games
about 2 years ago

Project Update: February Update

Osiyo folks!
I hope your new year and January were peaceful and rewarding. Things have been a little chaotic in the TTRPG world lately (*cough OGL cough*) but hopefully that's peaked and the tabletop hobby crowd can get back to a new normal.

Let's talk about Stories of the Free Lands!

First off, I want to say that I've really struggled with the entire process for this project. When I first envisioned it, it was going to be a fast and dirty crowdfunding campaign that landed us a set of PDF stories that could launch at the same time you were all receiving your books in April. I really wanted folks to have options for Stories as they started their Coyote & Crow journeys. 

But that's not the way things worked out. And while we've taken a lot longer to get these stories to you than I originally planned, I'm also really proud of what we're putting together. We're still in the process of editing, development and layouts. With that said, we're making great progress. Of the ten stories:
  • All ten are written and illustrated
  • Four are completely edited and laid out
  • Two more are developed and edited and heading to layouts
  • The remaining four are in various stages of development and will head to layouts soon
I can't give you an exact date on when the Stories of the Free Lands will be delivered to via BackerKit, but we are making progress. 

As soon as we finish Stories of the Free Lands, we'll finish up Allen Turner's stretch goal Story and get that out to everyone. 

I also wanted to throw out a big thank you to everyone who filled out their surveys. Our completion rate on getting surveys back is fantastic and we currently have about 99% back and finished. 

Have a great weekend folks!





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