Hey folks! I'm so excited to announce that we've released our stretch goal story from Allen Turner, Creep. It's a dark, twisted tale and our grimmest yet and I love it! You should receive an email notifying you of the download shortly if you haven't already. Regardless, you can always find all the downloads on your BackerKit pledge page.
I'm also excited to say that today is first day of a week full of daily announcements, going through Gen Con and ending with the last day of our crowdfunding of Wolves.
Speaking of Wolves, we're down to our last seven days for our new tabletop board game. We'd love it if you could take a look at our campaign and if you can't back it, please share the link around to your friends, family and social media circles. It would really help us.
If you don't follow us on social media, you can get all of our exciting news updates over this next week in a collected email by signing up for our newsletter at: https://coyoteandcrow.net/newsletter/
And with that...we say goodbye to this campaign on BackerKit. Thank you so much for your support and for helping us expand our world and help it grow. We've got so many great new things on the way that I think you're going to love.