Comet Lord
10 months ago

Project Update: Dawn of The Final Day

This feels appropriate?

Hey everyone,

Thanks again for the interest and support in the project! We're down to The Final Day of this campaign.

While this has been really rough - hopefully I can line things up for a relaunch sooner than later. I don't have an ETA on the relaunch - literally anything from a couple months to next year. I've got a lot of stuff to figure out.

If you want updates on what I'm doing and to be notified about the relaunch - join my mailing list or Discord server!

Comet Lord Miniatures Mailing List

Cult of The Comet Lord Discord Server

I might try to stream today - spring time allergy hay-fever permitted. If you want to hang out while I work, chat and ask any questions regarding all of this. 

Comet Lord Miniatures - Twitch Channel

Thanks again,

Scott - Comet Lord Miniatures
user avatar image for Comet Lord




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