Central Michigan University Press
17 days ago

Project Update: Welcome to the Faith

Hello everyone,

For those of you who have backed our campaign for Keep the Faith at the start here, we thank you for your early support. Right now, we're over 38% of the way toward our funding goal, which is great. Let's keep the momentum going. If you have folks in your orbit who you think would enjoy a game like Keep the Faith, please send them the link to the campaign page (https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/central-michigan-university-press/keep-the-faith) or share it out to your networks.

We have a couple of things to highlight for you as well.

First, we're in the process of getting a playthrough of KTF organized. It'll either be a livestream broadcast through Backerkit here or a recorded video posted to our YouTube page. We'll keep you updated as we get the details locked down. In the meantime, if you're interested in taking a look at the current draft of the game rules, you can see version 12.7 here.

Second, designer Greg Loring-Albright recently appeared on the Cardboard Time podcast with Arwen Kathke, which includes some discussion of KTF. Check it out! Also, last December, Greg made an appearance on The Omnigamers' Club podcast, mostly to talk about the Forged in the Dark game Scum & Villainy, but there's some KTF content in there as well. Check it out as well. 

Thanks all, let's keep it going!




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